Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
File Merge Dialog Box
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     PWB displays the File Merge dialog box when you choose the Files
     button in the Merge File dialog box. Use the File Merge dialog box
     to build a list of files that PWB is to merge into the current
     The File Merge dialog box provides the following options to edit
     the list of files.
     Option              Description
     File Name           Type the name of a file to merge, or type a
                         wildcard to filter the File List box or to add
                         as a pattern.
     File List           Displays a list of files in the current
                         directory from which to choose.
                         Double-click a name to add to or remove from
                         the list.
     File(s) Selected    Lists the files and wildcards to merge.
     Add / Delete        Adds the file specified in the File Name text
                         box to the list. If the file is already on the
                         list, it is removed from the list.
     Clear List          Clears the list of files.
     Add Pattern         Adds the wildcard specified in the File Name
                         text box to the list. If the wildcard is
                         already on the list, it is removed from the
     When you choose OK, PWB immediately merges the specified files
     into the current file above the line at the cursor.