◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ─────Programmer's WorkBench───────────────────────────────────────────────── focus The item that is the immediate object of interaction in a user interface. When you shift the focus to a new item, the item is said to "gain the focus." A window with the focus is called the "active window." When a window gains the focus: ■ The cursor appears in the window. ■ The window appears on top of all other windows. ■ Scroll bars appear in the window border. When a button gains the focus: ■ The angle brackets surrounding the button name are highlighted. ■ The cursor appears on the first letter of the button name. ■ Press ENTER to activate the button. When a text box gains the focus: ■ Text in the box is selected. ■ The cursor appears at the end of the selected text. When a set of option buttons gain the focus: ■ The cursor appears within the parentheses on the selected option. The selected option has the bullet (•). ■ Press SPACEBAR, UP ARROW, and DOWN ARROW to select each option in turn. When a check box gains the focus: ■ The cursor appears within the brackets ([]). ■ Press SPACEBAR to toggle the state of the option. The letter X appears between the brackets ([X]) when the option is turned on. When a drop-down list box gains the focus: ■ Text in the edit box is selected. ■ Press ALT+DOWN ARROW or ALT+UP ARROW to open the list. ■ Press ALT+DOWN ARROW or ALT+UP ARROW to close the list. ■ Press UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW to select an item in the list. -♦-