Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Icon (Defined)
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     A minimized window.
     An icon looks like this:
            │  1  │
     When an icon has the focus:
        ■ The filename is inverted, and the icon casts a shadow.
        ■ Most editing commands are disabled.
     To move the active icon:
       ■  Press the UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT ARROW keys.
     To restore the minimized window to its normal size:
       ■  Double-click the icon.
       ■  Choose Restore from the Window menu.
       ■  Press ENTER when the icon has the focus.
     To arrange all icons on the desktop:
       ■  Execute Meta Arg Arrangewindow («meta» «arg» «arrangewindow»).
     Arrangewindow, Minimize, Maximize
     Window menu, Minimize
     Window menu, Restore