Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Note on Available Keys
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     PWB allows you to assign functions and macros to almost any key
     combination. However, some keys have a fixed meaning in certain
     circumstances or operating environments.
     PWB lists these key as available keys in the Key Assignments
     dialog box, and PWB allows you to assign a command to the key.
     However, when the circumstance holds, or you are running PWB in
     specific environment, certain keys have a fixed meaning that
     overrides any assignment that you make.
     Help Window
     In the Help window, the following keys have a fixed meaning:
     Key                Meaning
     ESC                Close the Help window
     TAB                Move to next hyperlink
     SHIFT+TAB          Move to previous hyperlink
     ENTER              Activate current hyperlink
     NUMENTER           Activate current hyperlink
     SHIFT+ENTER        Activate current hyperlink
     SHIFT+NUMENTER     Activate current hyperlink
     SPACE              Activate current hyperlink
     Dialog Boxes
     In dialog boxes, all keys have predetermined meanings. Your
     assignments have no effect when a dialog box is displayed.
     In particular, note the following keys:
     Key           Meaning
     ESC           Choose Cancel
     ENTER         Choose the active command button
     F1            Choose Help
     TAB           Move to the next option or command
     SHIFT+TAB     Move to the previous option or command
     SPACE         Toggle active option
     CTRL+P        When used in a text box, inserts the next key as a
                   literal value. Use this key to type a literal tab
     The Text Argument dialog box is an exception. All keys except ESC
     (Cancel) and F1 (Help) have their assigned meaning.
     See: Text Argument Dialog Box
     Microsoft Windows
     When running PWB under Windows, some keys are reserved for use by
     Windows. You can override how Windows uses these keys by setting
     options in a PIF file.
     Key           Default Meaning in Windows
     ALT+ESC       Switch to the next window in Windows
     CTRL+ESC      Switch to the Windows Task Manager
     ALT+TAB       Switch to the next application
     ALT+SPACE     Activate the current window's system menu
     ALT+ENTER     Shift application between full screen and a text
     Options menu, Key Asignments