Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Project Menu, Previous Error Command
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Project menu, Previous Error command («_pwbprevmsg»)
     Macro  _pwbprevmsg
     Choose Previous Error to jump to the location of the previous
     error or warning listed in the Build Results window. When the
     message does not specify a location, PWB displays the message in
     the Build Results window.
     While a message is displayed at the bottom of the window, choose
     Topic from the Help menu or press F1 to get help on the message. To
     get Help on another topic, select the topic text, then request
     For some messages or Help topics, you may need to pass the error
     number or topic name to Help using Arg 'topic' _pwbhelp_context
     («arg» topic «_pwbhelp_context»).
     See: _pwbhelp_context, _pwbhelperr
     To turn off the message line, press ESC.
     When no messages remain in the current set of results, PWB
     displays the message 'End of Build Results'.
     See: Infodialog
     Windows menu, PWB Windows, Build Results