Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Window Menu, Arrange Command
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Window menu, Arrange command («_pwbarrange»)
     Macro  _pwbarrange
     Choose Arrange to rearrange the open, unminimized windows in a
     useful arrangement for simultaneously viewing Help, Build Results
     or Search Results, and your source windows. Icons are not affected.
     The resulting arrangement looks like this:
          ┌─[  4]───────── Help ─────────────────┐
          │                                      │
          ┌─[  2]─────── Source B ───────────────┐
          │┌─[  1]─────── Source A ──────────────┐
          ││                                     │
          ││                                     │
          ┌─[  3]─────── Build Results ──────────┐
          │                                      │
          │                                      │
     If the Help window is open, it is displayed in the upper part of
     the screen. All other open PWB windows are cascaded in the lower
     part of the screen. The remaining open windows are cascaded in the
     center of the screen.