Missing ':' in '<text>' A request was made to perform the assignment specified by the given text, but the argument did not contain a colon. This can happen in the following situations: ■ In the Editor Settings dialog box, incorrect text was typed in the Switch box, and the Set Switch command was chosen. ■ A PWB section of the TOOLS.INI file contains text that does not conform to the syntax for PWB assignments. ■ A macro definition spans several lines, but a line continuation is missing. ■ The Assign function («assign») was executed when the cursor is on a line that does not contain a colon. ■ If <text> consists of the character '→' (control-z), the TOOLS.INI file contains a control-z character which was added to the file by using another text editor. To fix this problem, load TOOLS.INI into PWB and insert a non-PWB tag before the control-z character at the end of the file. This prevents PWB from attempting to read the character as a badly formed assignment. The tag "[end]" is a good candidate. -♦-