Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
PWB Status Bar
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The status bar occupies the bottom line of the PWB display. It is
     divided into three parts: message area, status, and location.
     <F1=Help> <Alt=Menu> <F6=WINDOW>             TRLMPAXBOCN 00000.000
     └─────────────┬─────────────────────···────┘└─────┬─────┘└─┬─┘ └┬┘
      58 characters of message area                  Status   Line  Column
     The message area usually contains the buttons shown above. You can
     click these buttons to access Help, activate the menu bar, or
     shift the focus from one window to another. When a menu is open,
     PWB displays a short description of the selected command in the
     message area. A macro can display information in the message area
     by using the Message function.
     See: Message
     The status area displays the following letters to inform you about
     the editor's state.
     Letter    State
     T         File is temporary; it is not saved in the file history.
     R         File is no-edit (read-only); modification is disabled.
     L         Line endings in the file are linefeed characters only.
     M         File is modified.
     P         File is a pseudofile.
     A         Meta prefix is active.
     X         Macro recording is turned on.
     B         Background process is active.
     O         Overtype mode is turned on. In insert mode, no indicator
     C         CAPS LOCK is turned on.
     N         NUM LOCK is turned on.
     See: Editreadonly, Meta, Noedit, Pseudofile, PWB Command Line
     The location (made up of line and column fields) displays the line
     and column location of the cursor in the file. Also, when PWB is
     scanning a file, it displays the line being scanned in the line
     indicator according to the setting of the Noise switch.
     See: Noise
     Each element of the status bar has its own color:
     Element      Color Switch
     Message      Color:Message  70
     Status       Color:Status   7f
     Location     Color:Location 70
     Noise        Color:Info     3f
     See: Color