Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
PWB Command Line Options
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Use the following case-insensitive options when starting PWB:
     Option           Description
     /D[S│T│A]...     Disables PWB's loading of the initialization
                      file(s) or extensions as indicated by the
                      following letters:
                      S   Disable reading the status file CURRENT.STS
                      T   Disable reading TOOLS.INI
                      A   Disable extension autoload
                      The /D option alone disables the loading of all
                      the extension and initialization files.
                      See: Autoload.
                      NOTE: If you start PWB with the /DT switch, this
                            means that PWB options you change during
                            the session cannot be saved.
     /PP <file>       Opens the specified PWB project.
     /PF <file>       Opens the specified foreign project (makefile).
     /PL              Reopens the last project. Use this option to start
                      PWB in the same state you last left it. You can
                      set this option as the default by setting the
                      Lastproject switch to Yes.
                      See: Lastproject
     /E <command>     Executes the given command or sequence of
                      commands as a macro upon startup.
                      See: PWB Macros
                      If <command> contains a space, <command> should
                      be enclosed in double quotation marks. A single
                      command need not be quoted. If <command> uses
                      literal quotation marks, place a backslash before
                      each mark. To use a backslash, precede it with
                      another backslash.
     /R               Specifies that PWB is to start in no-edit mode.
                      You cannot modify files.
                      See: Noedit
     /M {mark│line}   PWB starts at the specified location.
                      See: Mark
     [[/T] file]...   PWB opens the given files on startup. If you
                      specify a single file, PWB opens it. If you
                      specify multiple files, PWB opens the first file;
                      then when you use File Next or the Exit function,
                      PWB opens the next file in the list.
                      If a /T precedes a filename or wildcard, PWB opens
                      each file as a temporary file. PWB does not
                      include temporary files in the list of files saved
                      between sessions.
                      NOTE: No other options can follow /T on the PWB
                            command line. You must specify /T for each
                            file you want to be temporary.