Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Using the Key Box
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     PWB displays the following option in dialog boxes where you can
     specify a key:
          Key: { } [···········]
     There are two ways to enter the key:
       ■  Move the cursor to the key box (between the braces { }), then
          press the key or key combination. PWB puts the name of the key
          you press into the text box.
          To leave the key box, press TAB or SHIFT+TAB to move to
          another field or press ENTER to choose the current command
          button (usually the OK button).
          NOTE: PWB recognizes all keys except TAB, SHIFT+TAB, and ENTER
                as the key assignment. All other keys lose their special
                meaning in the key box, including ESC and the
                highlighted access keys.
       ■  Move the cursor to the text box (between the brackets [····]),
          and type the name of the key.