Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
UNIX Regular Expression Summary
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     This table summarizes PWB's UNIX-style regular-expression syntax.
     Syntax         Description
     \c             Escape: literal character <c>
     .              Wildcard: any character
     ^              Beginning of line
     $              End of line
     [class]        Character class: any one character in set
     [^class]       Inverse class: any one character not in set
     x*             Repeat: zero or more occurrences of <x>
     x+             Repeat: one or more occurrences of <x>
     \{x\}          Grouping: group subexpression for repetition
     \{x\!y\!z\}    Alternation: match one from the set
     \~x            "Not": fail if <x> at this point
     \(x\)          Tagged expression
     \n             Reference to tagged expression number <n>
     \:e            Predefined expression:
                    Syntax    Description
                    \:a       Alphanumeric character
                    \:b       White space
                    \:c       Alphabetic character
                    \:d       Digit
                    \:f       Part of a filename
                    \:h       Hexadecimal number
                    \:i       C-style identifier
                    \:n       Unsigned number
                    \:p       Path
                    \:q       Quoted string
                    \:w       English word
                    \:z       Unsigned integer
     Non-UNIX Regular Expression Summary
     Aligning Tagged Expressions
     Predefined Regular Expressions
     Tagged Regular Expressions
     UNIX Regular Expression Examples