Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Tagged Expressions in Build:Message
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     PWB uses tagged UNIX regular expressions to find the location of
     errors and warnings displayed in the Build Results window. The
     tagged portions of the message indicate the file and location or
     token in error.
     To define new messages for PWB to recognize, use the Build:message
     switch. The syntax is:
          Build:message "<pattern>" [file [line [col]] │ token]
     The pattern is a macro string that specifies a tagged UNIX regular
     expression. The file, line, col, and token keywords indicate the
     meaning of each tagged subexpression.
     For example, if the messages you want to match look like:
          Error: Missing ; on line 123 in SAMPLE.PAS,
     Place the following setting in TOOLS.INI:
          Build:message "^Error: .* on line \\(\\:z\\) in \\(\\:p\\)"  \
               file line
     Note that each backslash in the regular expression is doubled
     within the macro string. This pattern uses the predefined
     expressions for integer (\:z) and path (\:p).
     Build:message Switch
     Macro String Syntax
     Predefined Regular Expressions