Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Managing Large Projects
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     If you have a project with a very large number of files, PWB may
     begin to run out of memory as you add files to the project. If you
     cannot make more memory available to PWB, you can often continue
     using the makefile as a PWB project by not loading PWB extensions.
     See: Using Projects without PWB Extensions
     A project can grow too large for PWB to handle as a PWB project.
     You can continue to use the project in PWB by opening it as a
     non-PWB project. When you do this, you have to change options and
     add files to the makefile manually. You can no longer use the
     dialog boxes.
     If you have an existing large project that is not a PWB project or
     has a complex build process, you may want to write your own
     makefile and use it as a non-PWB project. With non-PWB projects,
     you can still use many of the PWB project-management features.
     Using Non-PWB Makefiles