Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Special Build Macros
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The following list summarizes the macros used in PWB project
     Macro        Description
     FILES        Lists all files added to the project file list.
     <ext>S       Lists all files in the project list with the .<ext>
                  When this macro is used in a Build:target's command
                  line, PWB places the macro in the dependency line for
                  that target.
                  PWB includes an inference rule in the project only
                  when its target extension is used in an <ext>S macro
                  in a project command line. For example, if you
                  specify a .src.dst inference rule, PWB puts the rule
                  in the makefile only when a DSTS macro is referenced
                  in a target command.
     <ext>S_EXT   Lists additional "external" files in the project list
                  with the .<ext> extension.
                  PWB defines this macro and prepends it to the <ext>S
                  macro-definition when there are matching files in
                  project list.
     <ext>_FILE   Names a unique file in the project list. Only one file
                  with the .<ext> extension is allowed in the project
                  list. PWB issues a message when more than one such
                  file is added.
                  Examples: DEF_FILE, MAP_FILE
     PWB creates the definition for a special build macro when it finds
     a macro reference with one of the forms above in a project command
     line in the project makefile. Special macros are not defined unless
     referenced in a command in the actual makefile.
     How PWB Creates a Project Makefile
     Build:command {run │ debug} "<command_line>"
     Build:[debug │ release] command <command> "<command_line>"
     Reserved Build Macros