qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 10H Function 1AH
   Summary  Notes  Example  Back
  Description:  Get or Set Display Combination Code      [PS/2]
  Returns a code describing the installed display adapter(s), or updates
  the ROM BIOS's variable describing the installed adapter(s).
  Input                                Output
  ═════════════════════════            ══════════════════════════
  AH=1AH                               If function supported
  AL=subfunction                       AL=1AH
     00H=get display                   and, if called with AL=00H
      combination code                 BH=inactive display code
     01H=set display                   BL=inactive display code
      combination code
  BH=inactive display
   code (if AL =01H)
  BL=active display
   code (if AL =01H)