qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Interrupt 10H (All Monitors)
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Interrupt  Function         Name
10H        00H              Set Video Mode
10H        01H              Set Cursor Type
10H        02H              Set Cursor Position
10H        03H              Get Cursor Position
10H        04H              Get Light Pen Position
10H        05H              Set Display Page
10H        06H              Initialize or Scroll Up Window
10H        07H              Initialize or Scroll Down Window
10H        08H              Read Character and Attribute at Cursor
10H        09H              Write Character and Attribute at Cursor
10H        0AH              Write Character at Cursor
10H        0EH              Write Character in Teletype Mode
10H        0FH              Get Video Mode
10H        13H              Write String in Teletype Mode