qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21H Function 43H
   Summary  Notes  Example  Back
  Description:  Get or Set File Attributes
  Obtains or alters the attributes of a file (read-only, hidden, system, or
  Input                                         Output
  ══════════════════════════════════            ══════════════════════════
  AH=43H                                        If function successful
  AL=00H if getting file attribute              Carry flag=clear
     01H if setting file attribute              CX=file attribute (see
  CX=new file attribute, if AL = 01H                above)
      (bits can be combined)                    If function unsuccessful
     bit 5=archive                              Carry flag=set
     bit 2=system                               AX=error code
     bit 1=hidden
     bit 0=read-only
  DS:DX=segment:offset of ASCIIZ