qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21H Function 4FH
   Summary  Notes  Example  Back
  Description:  Find Next File
  Assuming a previous successful call to Int 21H Function 4EH, finds the
  next file in the default or specified directory on the default or speci-
  fied drive that matches the original file specification.
  Input                           Output
  ════════════════════            ════════════════════════════════════════
  AH=4FH                          If function successful (matching file
  Assumes DTA points               found)
  to working buffer               Carry flag=clear
  used by previous                and current disk transfer area filled in
  successful Int 21H               as follows:
  Function 4EH or 4FH             Byte(s)   Description
                                  00H-14H   reserved (0)
                                  15H       attribute of matched file or
                                  16H-17H   file time
                                            bits 00H-04H=2-second incre-
                                             ments (0-29)
                                            bits 05H-0AH=minutes (0-59)
                                            bits 0BH-0FH=hours (0-23)
                                  18H-19H   file date
                                            bits 00H-04H=day (1-31)
                                            bits 05H-08H=month (1-12)
                                            bits 09H-0FH=year (relative
                                             to 1980)
                                  1AH-1DH   file size
                                  1EH-2AH   ASCIIZ filename and extension
                                  If function unsuccessful (no more
                                   matching files)
                                  Carry flag= set
                                  AX=error code