qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21H Function 57H
   Summary  Notes  Example  Back
  Description:  Get or Set File Date and Time
  Obtains or modifies the date and time stamp in a file's directory entry.
  Input                                             Output
  ══════════════════════════════════════            ══════════════════════
  If getting date and time                          If function successful
  AH=57H                                            Carry flag=clear
  AL=00H                                            and, if called with
  BX=handle                                          AL=00H
  If setting date and time                          CX=time
  AH=57H                                            DX=date
  AL=01H                                            If function
  BX=handle                                          unsuccessful
  CX=time                                           Carry flag=set
     bits 0BH-0FH=hours (0-23)                      AX=error code
     bits 05H-0AH=minutes (0-59)
     bits 00H-04H=2-second increments
     bits 09H-0FH=year (relative to 1980)
     bits 05H-08H=month (1-12)
     bits 00H-04H=day (1-31)