qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21H Function 59H
   Summary  Notes  Back
  Description:  Get Extended Error Information     DOS 3 Only
  Obtains detailed error information after a previous unsuccessful Int 21H
  function call, including the recommended remedial action.
  Input             Output
  ══════            ══════════════════════════════════════════════════
  AH=59H            AX=extended error code
  BX=00             BH=error class
                       01H      if out of resource (such as storage
                                 or handles)
                       02H      if not error, but temporary situation
                                 (such as locked region in file) that
                                 can be expected to end
                       03H      if authorization problem
                       04H      if internal error in system software
                       05H      if hardware failure
                       06H      if system software failure not the
                                 fault of the active process (such
                                 as missing configuration files)
                       07H      if application program error
                       08H      if file or item not found
                       09H      if file or item of invalid type or
                       0AH (10) if file or item interlocked
                       0BH (11) if wrong disk in drive, bad spot on
                                 disk, or storage medium problem
                       0CH (12) if other error
                    BL=recommended action
                       01H      retry reasonable number of times,
                                 then prompt user to select abort or
                       02H       retry reasonable number of times
                                  with delay between retries, then
                                  prompt user to select abort or
                       03H       get corrected information from user
                                  (typically caused by incorrect
                                  filename or drive specification)
                       04H       abort application with cleanup
                                  (i.e., terminate the program in as
                                  orderly a manner as possible,
                                  releasing locks, closing files,
                       05H       perform immediate exit without
                       06H       ignore error
                       07H       retry after user intervention to
                                  remove cause of error
                    CH=error locus
                       01H       unknown
                       02H       block device (disk or disk
                       03H       network
                       04H       serial device
                       05H       memory
                    and, for MS-DOS versions 3.0 and later
                    ES:DI=ASCIIZ volume label of disk to insert, if
                     AX=0022H (invalid disk change)