qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
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;* Colors - Alters screen colors within a specified area by using bit
;* or move operations on display attribute bytes in video memory.
;* Shows:   Instructions - not     rol     ror     and     xor     or
;* Params:  logic - Code number, 0 = NOT     2 = ROR     4 = XOR     6 = MOV
;*                               1 = ROL     3 = AND     5 = OR
;*          attr - Attribute mask
;*          row1 - Row at top of window
;*          col1 - Column at left edge of window
;*          row2 - Row at bottom of window
;*          col2 - Column at right edge of window
;* Return:  None
Colors  PROC \
        USES ds si, \
        logic:WORD, attr:WORD, row1:WORD, col1:WORD, row2:WORD, col2:WORD
        GetVidOffset row1, col1         ; Get offset in video segment
        inc     ax
        mov     si, ax                  ; SI = offset for 1st attr byte
        mov     bx, row2
        sub     bx, row1
        inc     bx                      ; BX = number of window rows
        mov     cx, col2
        sub     cx, col1
        inc     cx                      ; CX = number of columns
        mov     ds, vconfig.sgmnt       ; DS = video segment
        mov     ax, attr                ; AL = mask for and, xor, and or
loop1:  push    si                      ; Save ptr to start of line
        push    cx                      ;   and number of columns
        cmp     vconfig.adapter, CGA    ; CGA adapter?
        jne     @F                      ; No?  Skip video disable
; Disable CGA video prior to memory access to avoid screen snow. (See the
; WinOpen and StrWrite procedures for further discussions on CGA snow.)
        call    DisableCGA              ; Yes?  Disable video
@@:     cmp     logic, 1                ; Rotate left?
        jl      c_not                   ; If less, do NOT
        je      c_rol                   ; If equal, do ROL
        cmp     logic, 3                ; And?
        jl      c_ror                   ; If less, do ROR
        je      c_and                   ; If equal, do AND
        cmp     logic, 5                ; Or?
        jl      c_xor                   ; If less, do XOR
        je      c_or                    ; If equal, do OR
                                        ; Otherwise, do MOV
c_mov:  mov     BYTE PTR [si], al       ; MOV attr parameter
        add     si, 2                   ;   into attribute byte
        loop    c_mov
        jmp     SHORT c_done
c_or:   or      BYTE PTR [si], al       ; OR with attr parameter
        add     si, 2
        loop    c_or
        jmp     SHORT c_done
c_xor:  xor     BYTE PTR [si], al       ; XOR with attr parameter
        add     si, 2
        loop    c_xor
        jmp     SHORT c_done
c_and:  and     BYTE PTR [si], al       ; AND with attr parameter
        add     si, 2
        loop    c_and
        jmp     SHORT c_done
c_ror:  ror     BYTE PTR [si], 1        ; Rotate right 1 bit
        add     si, 2
        loop    c_ror
        jmp     SHORT c_done
c_rol:  rol     BYTE PTR [si], 1        ; Rotate left 1 bit
        add     si, 2
        loop    c_rol
        jmp     SHORT c_done
c_not:  not     BYTE PTR [si]           ; Flip bits
        add     si, 2
        loop    c_not
c_done: cmp     vconfig.adapter, CGA
        jne     @F
        call    EnableCGA               ; Reenable CGA video
@@:     pop     cx                      ; Recover number of columns
        pop     si                      ; Recover offset for start of line
        add     si, 160                 ; Point to start of next line
        dec     bx                      ; Decrement row counter
        jnz     loop1                   ; Loop while rows remain
        ret                             ; Exit when all lines complete
Colors  ENDP