Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software,
purely for historical purposes.
If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming,
you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully
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◄Example► ◄Back► ◄Contents► ◄Index►
;* CopyFile - Copies a file from a specified directory to another. Allows
;* two different copy methods. See the OpenFile, CloseFile, ReadFile, and
;* WriteFile procedures for specific examples on opening, closing, reading
;* from, and writing to files.
;* Shows: DOS Functions - 3Ch (Create File)
;* 5Bh (Create New File)
;* Instruction - clc
;* Params: imode - 0 = Create new target file or overwrite existing file
;* 1 = Abort and return error code if target file already
;* exists (only for DOS versions 3.0 and higher)
;* fspec1 - Pointer to ASCIIZ source file specification
;* fspec2 - Pointer to ASCIIZ target file specification
;* Return: Short integer with error code
;* 0 if successful
;* 1 if error
buffer DB BUFFER_SIZE DUP(?) ; Buffer for diskette read
CopyFile PROC \
USES ds si di, \
imode:WORD, fspec1:PTR BYTE, fspec2:PTR BYTE
LOCAL eof_flag:BYTE
; Open source file for read only
LoadPtr ds, dx, fspec1 ; Point DS:DX to source file
mov ax, 3D00h ; AH = function #, AL = access code
int 21h ; Open File (for read only)
jc e_exit
mov si, ax ; SI = file handle for source
; Open target file according to copy mode
LoadPtr ds, dx, fspec2 ; Point DS:DX to target file
cmp imode, 1 ; Determine DOS function
je check ; Imode = 1?
mov ah, 3Ch ; No? Request Create File
jmp SHORT set ; (destroy existing)
check: call GetVer ; Yes? First check DOS version
cmp ax, 300 ; 3.0 or higher?
jb close ; No? Abort with error code
mov ah, 5Bh ; Request Create New File
set: sub cx, cx ; Normal attribute for target
int 21h ; DOS function for target file
jc close ; If open error, abort
mov di, ax ; DI = file handle for target
; Both files successfully opened. Now read from source and copy to target.
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax ; DS:DX = buffer. Read/write
mov dx, OFFSET buffer ; to and from here.
mov eof_flag, 0 ; Initialize end-of-file flag
loop1: mov bx, si ; Handle for source file
mov cx, BUFFER_SIZE ; CX = number of bytes to read
mov ah, 3Fh ; Request DOS read
int 21h ; Read from File
jc close ; If error, exit
cmp ax, cx ; All bytes read successfully?
je @F ; Yes? Continue
inc eof_flag ; No? Raise flag
@@: mov bx, di ; Handle for target file
mov cx, ax ; Write number of bytes read
mov ah, 40h ; Request DOS write
int 21h ; Write from buffer to target file
jc close ; If error, exit
cmp eof_flag, 0 ; Finished?
je loop1 ; No? Loop to read next block
clc ; Yes? Clear CY to indicate
; success
close: pushf ; Preserve flags while closing
mov bx, di ; Handle for target file
mov ah, 3Eh ; Request DOS Function 3Eh
int 21h ; Close File
sub ax, ax ; Clear error code
popf ; Recover flags
jnc exit ; If successful, exit
e_exit: mov ax, 1 ; Else set error code
exit: ret
CopyFile ENDP