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The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software,
purely for historical purposes.
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;* Pause - Waits for specified number of clocks to elapse, then returns.
;* Shows: BIOS Interrupt - 1Ah, Function 0 (Real-Time Clock Driver)
;* Operators - LOCAL []
;* Params: duration - Desired duration in clocks, where
;* 18 clocks = approx 1 second
;* Return: None
Pause PROC \
sub ah, ah
int 1Ah ; Get Clock Count in CX:DX
add dx, duration ; Add pause time to it
adc cx, 0
mov WORD PTR time[0], dx ; Result is target time;
mov WORD PTR time[2], cx ; keep in local variable
loop1: int 1AH ; Now repeatedly poll clock
cmp dx, WORD PTR time[0] ; count until the target
jb loop1 ; time is reached
cmp cx, WORD PTR time[2]
jb loop1
Pause ENDP