qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Control-Flow Instructions
   Instruction Summary  Contents  Index
Mnemonic      Name
JMP           Jump Unconditionally
JCXZ/JECXZ    Jump If CX is Zero
Jcond         Jump conditionally
LOOP          Loop (decrement CX, then jump if CX is not 0)
LOOPE/LOOPZ   Loop If (loop while condition is met and CX is not 0)
CALL          Call Procedure
RET           Return from Procedure
RETN/RETF     Return from Procedure (near or far)
INT           Interrupt (call interrupt procedure)
IRET          Interrupt Return
ENTER         Make Stack Frame (80186/286/386 Only)
LEAVE         High Level Procedure Exit (80186/286/386 Only)