Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software,
purely for historical purposes.
If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming,
you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully
out of date.
◄Summary► ◄Timings► ◄Example►
FLD reg │ fld st(3) │ 87 17-22
│ │287 17-22
│ │387 14
FLD memreal │ fld longreal │ 87 (s=38-56,l=40-60,t=53-65)+EA
│ fld shortarray[bx+di]│287 s=38-56,l=40-60,t=53-65
│ fld tempreal │387 s=20,l=25,t=44
FILD memint │ fild mem16 │ 87 (w=46-54,d=52-60,q=60-68)+EA
│ fild DWORD PTR [bx] │287 w=46-54,d=52-60,q=60-68
│ fild quads[si] │387 w=61-65,d=45-52,q=56-67
FBLD membcd │ fbld packbcd │ 87 (290-310)+EA
│ │287 290-310
│ │387 266-275