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Int 10H Function 00H
◄Summary► ◄Notes► ◄Example► ◄Back►
The video modes applicable to the various IBM machine models and video
adapters are as follows:
Mode Resolution Colors Text/Graphics
════ ═════════════════ ══════ ═════════════
00H 40-by-25
color burst off 16 text
01H 40-by-25 16 text
02H 80-by-25
color burst off 16 text
03H 80-by-25 16 text
04H 320-by-200 4 graphics
05H 320-by-200
color burst off 4 graphics
06H 640-by-200 2 graphics
07H 80-by-25 2* text
08H 160-by-200 16 graphics
09H 320-by-200 16 graphics
0AH 640-by-200 4 graphics
0BH reserved
0CH reserved
0DH 320-by-200 16 graphics
0EH 640-by-200 16 graphics
0FH 640-by-350 2* graphics
10H 640-by-350 4** graphics
10H 640-by-350 16*** graphics
11H 640-by-480 2 graphics
12H 640-by-480 16 graphics
13H 320-by-200 256 graphics
* Monochrome monitor only.
** EGA with 64 KB of RAM.
*** EGA with 128 KB or more of RAM.
The presence or absence of color burst is only significant when a compo-
site monitor is being used. For RGB monitors, there is no functional dif-
ference between modes 00H and 01H or modes 02H and 03H. On the CGA, two
palettes are available in mode 04H and one in mode 05H.
On the PC/AT, PCjr, and PS/2, if bit 7 of AL is set, the display buffer
is not cleared when a new mode is selected. On the PC or PC/XT, this cap-
ability is available only when an EGA (which has its own ROM BIOS) is