qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21H Function 1CH
   Summary  Notes  Back
▀ The media ID byte has the following meanings:
  0F0H    3.5-inch double-sided, 18 sectors
          or "other"
  0F8H    fixed disk
  0F9H    5.25-inch double-sided, 15 sectors
          or 3.5-inch double-sided, 9 sectors
  0FCH    5.25-inch single-sided, 9 sectors
  0FDH    5.25-inch double-sided, 9 sectors
  0FEH    5.25-inch single-sided, 8 sectors
  0FFH    5.25-inch double-sided, 8 sectors
▀ In general, this call is identical to Int 21H Function 1BH, except for
  the ability to designate a specific disk drive. See also Int 21H Func-
  tion 36H, which returns similar information.
▀ The address returned in DS:BX points only to a copy of the media ID
  byte from the disk's FAT; the memory above that address cannot be
  assumed to contain the FAT or any other useful information. If direct
  access to the FAT is required, use Int 25H to read it into memory.