qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21H Function 38H
   Summary  Notes  Back
▀ The default country code is determined by the KEYBxx keyboard driver file
  if one is loaded. Otherwise, the default country code is OEM dependent.
▀ The previous contents of register CX may be destroyed by the Get Country
  Information subfunction.
▀ The case-map call address is the segment:offset of a FAR procedure that
  performs country-specific mapping on character values from 80H through
  0FFH. The procedure must be called with the character to be mapped in
  register AL. If an alternate value exists for that character, it is re-
  turned in AL; otherwise, AL is unchanged. In general, lowercase charac-
  ters are mapped to uppercase, and accented or otherwise modified vowels
  are mapped to their plain vowel equivalents.
▀ [3.0+] The value in register DX is used by MS-DOS to select between the
  Set Country and Get Country Information subfunctions.
▀ [3.3+] Int 21H Function 65H (Get Extended Country Information) returns
  a superset of the internationalization information supplied by this