qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
   Summary  Detail  Example  Timings Key  Encodings Key
 001000dw     mod,reg,r/m       disp (0 or 2)
 AND  reg,reg      │ and   dx,bx             │ 88/86 3
                   │                         │ 286   2
                   │                         │ 386   2
 AND  mem,reg      │ and   bitmask,bx        │ 88/86 16+EA (W88=24+EA)
                   │ and   [bp+2],dx         │ 286   7
                   │                         │ 386   7
 AND  reg,mem      │ and   bx,masker         │ 88/86 9+EA (W88=13+EA)
                   │ and   dx,marray[bx+di]  │ 286   7
                   │                         │ 386   6
 100000sw     mod,100,r/m       disp (0 or 2)     data (1 or 2)
 AND  reg,immed    │ and   dx,0F7h           │ 88/86 4
                   │                         │ 286   3
                   │                         │ 386   2
 AND  mem,immed    │ and   masker,1001b      │ 88/86 17+EA (W88=23+EA)
                   │                         │ 286   7
                   │                         │ 386   7
 0010010w     data (1 or 2)
 AND  accum,immed  │ and   ax,0B6h           │ 88/86     4
                   │                         │ 286       3
                   │                         │ 386       2