qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
   Summary  Detail  Example  Timings Key  Encodings Key
 1111011w     mod,101,r/m      disp (0 or 2)
 IMUL  reg        │ imul  dx           │ 88/86 b=80-98,w=128-154
                  │                    │ 286   b=13,w=21
                  │                    │ 386   b=9-14,w=9-22,d=9-38*
 IMUL  mem        │ imul  factor       │ 88/86 (b=86-104,w=134-160)+EA**
                  │                    │ 286   b=16,w=24
                  │                    │ 386   b=12-17,w=12-25,d=12-41*
*  The 80386 has an early-out multiplication algorithm. Therefore multiply-
   ing an 8-bit or 16-bit value in EAX takes the same time as multiplying
   the value in AL or AX.
** Word memory operands on the 8088 take (138-164)+EA clocks.
 011010s1     mod,reg,r/m      disp (0 or 2)     data (1 or 2)
 IMUL  reg16,immed        │ imul  cx,25    │ 88/86 ─
                          │                │ 286   21
                          │                │ 386   b=9-14,w=9-22,d=9-38
 IMUL  reg16,reg16,immed  │ imul  dx,ax,18 │ 88/86 ─
                          │                │ 286   21
                          │                │ 386   b=9-14,w=9-22,d=9-38
 IMUL  reg16,mem16,immed  │imul  bx,[si],60│ 88/86 ─
                          │                │ 286   24
                          │                │ 386   b=12-17,w=12-25,d=12-41