qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Index: V-Z
   Help on Help  Contents  Index  DOS/BIOS Index  C Index
  Verify Flag, Get                     Int. 21H, Funct. 54H
  Verify Flag, Set                     Int. 21H, Funct. 2EH
  Verify Sector                        Int. 13H, Funct. 04H
  Video Mode, Get                      Int. 10H, Funct. 0FH
  Video Mode, Set                      Int. 10H, Funct. 00H
  Watchdog Time-Out, Set               Int. 15H, Funct. C3H
  Write Cassette                       Int. 15H, Funct. 03H
  Write Char. and Attribute at Cursor  Int. 10H, Funct. 09H
  Write Character at Cursor            Int. 10H, Funct. 0AH
  Write Character in Teletype Mode     Int. 10H, Funct. 0EH
  Write Character to Comm. Port        Int. 14H, Funct. 01H
  Write Character to Printer           Int. 17H, Funct. 00H
  Write File or Device                 Int. 21H, Funct. 40H
  Write Graphics Pixel                 Int. 10H, Funct. 0CH
  Write POST Error Log                 Int. 15H, Funct. 21H, Sub. 01H
  Write Sector                         Int. 13H, Funct. 03H
  Write Sector Buffer                  Int. 13H, Funct. 0FH
  Write Sector Long                    Int. 13H, Funct. 0BH
  Write String in Teletype Mode        Int. 10H, Funct. 13H