qb45advr.hlp (Topic list)
Fundamental Building Blocks: Character Set
  Fundamental Building Blocks   Character Set   Contents   Index
Character Set
The Microsoft BASIC character set includes alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z),
numeric characters (0-9 and A-F or a-f for hexadecimal numbers), and
special characters. Some characters have special meanings in BASIC:
     Data type suffixes
     !              Single-precision data type suffix
     #              Double-precision data type suffix
     $              String data type suffix
     %              Integer data type suffix
     &              Long-integer data type suffix
     Math special characters
     *              Multiplication symbol
     +              Plus sign
     -              Minus sign
     .              Decimal point
     /              Division symbol (slash)
     <              Less than
     =              Relational operator or assignment symbol
     >              Greater than
                   Integer division symbol (backslash)
     ^              Exponentiation symbol (up arrow or caret)
     Other characters
     ENTER          Terminates input of a line
     _              Line continuation (underscore)