qb45advr.hlp (Topic list)
Fundamental Building Blocks: BASIC Statements
  Fundamental Building Blocks   Statements   Contents   Index
Language Elements: BASIC Statements
A BASIC statement is either executable or nonexecutable.
  ■ An executable statement advances the flow of a program's logic by
    telling the program what to do next (for example, to read input,
    write output, add two numbers together and store the result in a
  ■ A nonexecutable statement does not advance the flow of a program's
    logic. Instead, nonexecutable statements perform tasks such as
    allocating storage for variables, declaring and defining variable
    types, and designating variables to be shared among procedures.
    The following BASIC statements are nonexecutable:
         REM or '                      DIM (static arrays only)
         COMMON                        OPTION BASE
         CONST                         SHARED
         DATA                          STATIC
         DECLARE                       TYPE...END TYPE