qb45advr.hlp (Topic list)
DECLARE (Non-BASIC Procedure) Statement Details
  QuickSCREEN      Details      Example      Contents      Index
DECLARE (Non-BASIC Procedure) Statement Details
Syntax 1
  DECLARE FUNCTION name [CDECL] [ALIAS "aliasname"][([parameterlist])]
Syntax 2
  DECLARE SUB name [CDECL] [ALIAS "aliasname"][([parameterlist])]
  Argument       Description
  FUNCTION       Indicates that the external procedure returns a value
                 and can be used in an expression.
  SUB            Indicates that the external procedure is invoked like a
                 BASIC SUB.
  name           The name used in the BASIC program to invoke the
                 procedure. Names may have up to 40 characters. FUNCTION
                 names can include an explicit type character (%, &, !,
                 #, or $) indicating the type of value the FUNCTION
  CDECL          Indicates that the procedure uses the C-language
                 argument order. CDECL passes the arguments from right
                 to left, rather than using the BASIC convention of left
                 to right. CDECL also affects the name used in searches of
                 object files and libraries.
                   ■ If there is no ALIAS clause in the DECLARE, the
                     type-declaration character is removed from the name
                     of the procedure, and an underscore is added to the
                     beginning. This becomes the name used when searching
                     libraries and external files.
                   ■ If CDECL is used with an ALIAS, the aliasname is used.
  ALIAS          Indicates that the procedure has another name in the
                 .OBJ or library file.
  aliasname      The name the procedure has in the file or library.
  parameterlist  Lists the variables to be passed to the called procedure
                 and has the following syntax:
  [{BYVAL|SEG}] variable [AS type][,[{BYVAL|SEG}] variable [AS type]]...
  The following list describes the parts of a parameterlist:
  Part       Description
  BYVAL      BYVAL indicates that the parameter is passed by value,
             rather than by reference. Reference is the default.
             BYVAL can be used only with INTEGER, LONG, SINGLE, and
             DOUBLE parameters. When BYVAL appears in front of a parameter,
             the actual argument is converted to the type indicated in the
             DECLARE statement before being passed.
  SEG        Indicates the parameter is passed as a segmented address
             (far pointer).
  variable   A valid BASIC variable name. Only the variable's type is
             significant. If the variable is an array it may be
             followed by the number of dimensions in parentheses (to
             maintain compatibility with older versions of BASIC):
               DECLARE SUB EigenValue (A(2) AS DOUBLE)
             The number of dimensions is optional.
  AS type    Indicates the variable's type. The type element may be
             either INTEGER, LONG, SINGLE, DOUBLE, STRING, ANY, or a
             user type. You can also indicate the variable's type by
             including an explicit type character (%, &, !, #, or $)
             in the variable name or by relying on the default type.
             When declaring external procedures written in other
             languages, you can use the ANY keyword in the AS clause.
             ANY overrides type checking for that argument. You
             cannot use ANY with arguments passed by value.
  Note: When neither BYVAL nor SEG is used, arguments are passed as
        near addresses (offsets).
This form of the DECLARE statement lets you reference procedures
written in other languages. The DECLARE statement also causes the
compiler to check the number and type of arguments used to invoke
the procedure. A DECLARE statement can appear only in module-level
code and affects the entire source file.
The form of the parameter list determines whether or not argument
type checking is done:
  Declaration                          Meaning
  DECLARE SUB First CDECL              No argument checking is done
                                       when there is no parameter
  DECLARE SUB First CDECL ()           First has no parameters.
                                       Arguments in a CALL to First
                                       are flagged as an error. Empty
                                       parentheses indicate that the
                                       SUB or FUNCTION has no
  DECLARE SUB First CDECL (X AS LONG)  First takes one long integer
                                       argument. When a parameter
                                       list appears, the number and
                                       type of the arguments are
                                       checked in each invocation.
A procedure that appears in a DECLARE statement can be invoked
without the CALL keyword.
  Note: You cannot have fixed-length strings in DECLARE statements
        because only variable-length strings can be passed to SUB
        and FUNCTION procedures. Fixed-length strings can appear
        in an argument list but are converted to variable-length
        strings before being passed.
Be careful when using the SEG keyword to pass arrays because BASIC may
move variables in memory before the called routine begins execution.
Anything in a CALL statement's argument list that causes memory
movement may create problems.  You can safely pass variables using SEG
if the CALL statement's argument list contains only simple variables,
arithmetic expressions, or arrays indexed without the use of intrinsic
or user-defined functions.