qb45advr.hlp (Topic list)
DRAW Statement Macro Language
  Details   Angle, Color, Scale   Movement   X Substrings
Angle, Color and Scale-Factor Commands
The following commands let you change the appearance of a drawing
by rotating it, changing colors, or scaling it:
  Command                     Description
  A  n                        Set angle of rotation n. The value of n
                              may range from 0 to 3, where 0 is 0°,
                              1 is 90°, 2 is 180°, and 3 is 270°.
                              Figures rotated 90° or 270° are scaled
                              so they appear the same size using 0°
                              or 180° on a monitor screen with a
                              standard screen width-to-height ratio
                              of 4/3.
  TA  n                       Turn an angle of n degrees; n must be
                              in the range -360 to 360. If n is
                              positive, rotation is counterclockwise;
                              if n is negative, rotation is clockwise.
                              The following example uses TA to draw
                                SCREEN 1
                                FOR D=0 TO 360  STEP 10
                                   DRAW "TA="+VARPTR$(D)+"NU50"
                                NEXT D
  C n                         Set color to n. See the COLOR, PALETTE,
                              and SCREEN statements for discussions
                              of valid colors, numbers, and
  S n                         Set scale factor n, which may range
                              from 1 to 255. The scale factor
                              multiplied by the distances given with
                              U, D, L, R, or relative M commands gives
                              the actual distance traveled.
  P paintcolor, bordercolor   The paintcolor is the paint color for a
                              figure's interior, while bordercolor is
                              the paint color for the figure's border.
                              Tile painting (painting an area with a
                              graphic pattern) is not supported in