qb45advr.hlp (Topic list)
SCREEN Function Details
  QuickSCREEN      Details      Example      Contents      Index
SCREEN Function Details
  SCREEN (row,column[,colorflag])
  Argument    Description
  row         The row number of the screen location. The row is a
              numeric expression that evaluates to an unsigned
  column      The column number of the screen location. The column
              is a numeric expression that evaluates to an unsigned
  colorflag   A numeric expression. When colorflag is nonzero, SCREEN
              returns the number of the color at the screen location.
              If the colorflag is zero or absent, the ASCII code of
              the character at the location is returned as an integer.
If the character at (10,10) is A, in the following examples, then the
function would return 65, the ASCII code for A: