qb45advr.hlp (Topic list)
BASIC Data Types
  Data Types   Contents   Index
Data Type                 Declaration      Maximum          Minimum
Strings                       $           32,767 chars.    0 chars.
Integers                      %           32,767          -32,768
Long Integers                 &           2,147,483,647   -2,147,483,648
Single (7-digit) precision    !          ±3.402823 E+38    ±1.401298 E-45
Double (15-digit) precision   #          ±1.7976931 D+308  ±4.940656 D-324
User-Defined Data Types
See Also  DEFtype Statement - Set default data type
          Variable-Type Memory Requirements - Memory requirements for
          variable types
          Constants - Predefined values that do not change
          Variables - A name that refers to an object
          Scoping Rules - The range where a variable or constant is defined
          Static and Dynamic Arrays - Storage of arrays
          Automatic and Static Variables - Initialization of variables
          Type Conversion - Converting between BASIC data types