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INSTR Function Details
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INSTR Function Details
Argument Description
start An optional offset that sets the position for
starting the search; start must be in the range
1-32,767. If start is not given, the INSTR
function begins the search at the first
character of stringexpression1.
stringexpression1 The string being searched.
stringexpression2 The string to look for.
The arguments stringexpression1 and stringexpression2 can be string
variables, string expressions, or string literals.
The value returned by INSTR depends on the following conditions:
Condition Value Returned
stringexpression2 found in The position at which the
stringexpression1 match is found
start greater than length of 0
stringexpression1 is null string 0
stringexpression2 cannot be found 0
stringexpression2 is null string start (if given); otherwise, 1
Use the LEN function to find the length of stringexpression1.