qb45advr.hlp (Topic list)
LOC Function Details
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LOC Function Details
The filenumber is the number used in the OPEN statement to open the
file. With random-access files, the LOC function returns the number
of the last record read from or written to the file. With sequential
files, LOC returns the current byte position in the file, divided by
128. With binary mode files, LOC returns the position of the last byte
read or written.
For a COM device, LOC(filenumber) returns the number of characters in
the input queue waiting to be read. The value returned depends on
whether the device was opened in ASCII or binary mode. In ASCII mode,
the low-level routines stop queuing characters as soon as end-of-file
is received. The end-of-file itself is not queued and cannot be read.
An attempt to read the end-of-file produces an error message that
reads "Input past end of file." In binary mode, the end-of-file
character is ignored and the entire file can be read.
The LOC function cannot be used on the SCRN:, KYBD:, or LPTn: devices.