qb45advr.hlp (Topic list)
PALETTE Statement Programming Example
  QuickSCREEN      Details     Example      Contents      Index
PALETTE Statement Programming Example
This example shows the different forms of the PALETTE and PALETTE USING
                                ----- Note -----
This is not a complete program. Do not run this example in its
current form.
PALETTE 0,2             'Changes all points colored with attribute 0
                        'to color 2.
PALETTE USING A%(0)     'Changes each palette entry. Since the
                        'array is initialized to zero when it
                        'is first declared, all attributes are
                        'now mapped to display color zero. The
                        'screen will now appear as one single
                        'color. However, it will still be
                        'possible to execute BASIC statements.
PALETTE                 'Sets each palette entry to its appropriate
                        'initial display color. Actual initial colors
                        'depend on your screen-hardware configuration.