qb45advr.hlp (Topic list)
PUT (Graphics) Statement QuickSCREEN
  QuickSCREEN      Details      Example      Contents      Index
PUT - a graphics statement that places a graphic image obtained
      by a GET statement onto the screen
  PUT [STEP](x, y),arrayname[(indices)][,actionverb]
    ■ (x,y) are the screen coordinates of the upper-left corner of the
      displayed image
    ■ STEP enables you to use relative screen coordinates
    ■ arrayname indicates the array where the image is stored
    ■ indices enable you to start retrieving the image information from
      an array element other than the first one
    ■ actionverb enables you to display the image with special effects,
      and must be one of the following keywords (XOR is the default):
PSET    Draws image as stored, wiping │ XOR   Reverses points in the image
        out any existing image        │       with those in existing image
PRESET  Draws image in reverse colors │       or with background.
        wiping out any existing image │       Used in successive PUT
AND     Merges stored image with      │       statements, with time delays,
        existing image                │       causes stored image to appear
OR      Superimposes stored image on  │       and disappear. With movement
        existing image                │       of image, animation is achieved
See also  GET (Graphics)