qb45qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DRAW Statement QuickSCREEN
  QuickSCREEN      Details      Example      Contents      Index
DRAW - a graphics statement that interprets a string expression and
       draws an object.
  DRAW stringexpression
    ■ stringexpression is a one or more drawing commands.
                             Drawing Commands
───Used to Draw a Line or Move the Current Graphics Position (CGP) or Both───
B   Optional prefix - move, no line   │ N   Optional prefix - line, no move
Un  Up             Dn  Down           │ Ln  Left             Rn  Right
En  Up and right   Fn  Down and right │ Gn  Down and left    Hn  Up and left
Mx,y  Move to screen point x,y (if x has a + or - in front, move is relative)
─────────────────────────────────Used to Color────────────────────────────────
Cn  Change drawing (foreground) color │ Pp,b  Fill enclosed shape that has
    (SCREEN mode determines 'n')      │       border color b with color p
────────────────────────────Used to Scale and Rotate──────────────────────────
Sn  Increases or decreases length of  │ An   Rotate (n * 90) degrees,
    moves (n=4 is default)            │      where n = 0, 1, 2, or 3
                                      │ TAn  Rotate (0 >= n <= 360) degrees
──────────────────────────Used to Execute Substrings──────────────────────────
     X + VARPTR$(string-expression)      Executes another command string