qbasic.hlp (Topic list)
ON...GOSUB, ON...GOTO Statements
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Branch to one of several locations, depending on the value of an expression.
ON expression% GOSUB line-list
ON expression% GOTO line-list
    ■ expression%    An expression in the range 0 through 255.
    ■ line-list      A set of labels or line numbers. If the value of the
                     expression is 1, the program branches to the first line
                     in the list; if the expression is 2, it branches to the
                     second line, and so on.
    ■ SELECT CASE provides a better way to perform multiple branching.
    FOR i% = 1 TO 2
        ON i% GOSUB One, Two
    NEXT i%
    One: PRINT "One"
    Two: PRINT "Two"
See Also    ON Keyword    SELECT CASE