qbasic.hlp (Topic list)
Run-Time Error Codes
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 Code    Message                    ║  Code    Message
 1       NEXT without FOR           ║  37      Argument-count mismatch
 2       Syntax error               ║  38      Array not defined
 3       RETURN without GOSUB       ║  40      Variable required
 4       Out of DATA                ║  50      FIELD overflow
 5       Illegal function call      ║  51      Internal error
 6       Overflow                   ║  52      Bad file name or number
 7       Out of memory              ║  53      File not found
 8       Label not defined          ║  54      Bad file mode
 9       Subscript out of range     ║  55      File already open
 10      Duplicate definition       ║  56      FIELD statement active
 11      Division by zero           ║  57      Device I/O error
 12      Illegal in direct mode     ║  58      File already exists
 13      Type mismatch              ║  59      Bad record length
 14      Out of string space        ║  61      Disk full
 16      String formula too complex ║  62      Input past end of file
 17      Cannot continue            ║  63      Bad record number
 18      Function not defined       ║  64      Bad file name
 19      No RESUME                  ║  67      Too many files
 20      RESUME without error       ║  68      Device unavailable
 24      Device timeout             ║  69      Communication-buffer overflow
 25      Device fault               ║  70      Permission denied
 26      FOR without NEXT           ║  71      Disk not ready
 27      Out of paper               ║  72      Disk-media error
 29      WHILE without WEND         ║  73      Feature unavailable
 30      WEND without WHILE         ║  74      Rename across disks
 33      Duplicate label            ║  75      Path/File access error
 35      Subprogram not defined     ║  76      Path not found