qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Ranges of Data Types
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  Constant:  Range limits for data types
  Context:   Used to specify the ranges of C data types.
  Synopsis:  The implementation-dependent ranges of values allowed for
             C data types.
     The constants listed below give the ranges for the integral data
     types and are defined in LIMITS.H:
     Constant       Value          Meaning
     SCHAR_MAX      127            Maximum signed char value
     SCHAR_MIN     -127            Minimum signed char value
     UCHAR_MAX      255            Maximum unsigned char value
     CHAR_BIT       8              Number of bits in a char
     USHRT_MAX      0xffff         Maximum unsigned short value
     SHRT_MAX       32767          Maximum (signed) short value
     SHRT_MIN      -32767          Minimum (signed) short value
     UINT_MAX       0xffff         Maximum unsigned int value
     ULONG_MAX      0xffffffff     Maximum unsigned long value
     INT_MAX        32767          Maximum (signed) int value
     INT_MIN       -32767          Minimum (signed) int value
     LONG_MAX       2147483647     Maximum (signed) long value
     LONG_MIN      -2147483647     Minimum (signed) long value
     CHAR_MAX       127            Maximum char value
     CHAR_MIN      -127            Minimum char value
     NOTE: The /J compiler option changes the default char type
           to unsigned, with the following limits:
     CHAR_MAX      255             Maximum char value
     CHAR_MIN      0               Minimum char value
     The constants listed below give the range and other characteristics
     of the double, float, and long double data types, and are defined
     in FLOAT.H:
  Constant          Value                          Description
  DBL_DIG           15                             # of decimal digits of
  DBL_EPSILON       2.2204460492503131e-016        Smallest such that
                                                     1.0+DBL_EPSILON !=1.0
  DBL_MANT_DIG      53                             # of bits in mantissa
  DBL_MAX           1.7976931348623158e+308        Max. value
  DBL_MAX_10_EXP    308                            Max. decimal exponent
  DBL_MAX_EXP       1024                           Max. binary exponent
  DBL_MIN           2.2250738585072014e-308        Min. positive value
  DBL_MIN_10_EXP    (-307)                         Min. decimal exponent
  DBL_MIN_EXP       (-1021)                        Min. binary exponent
  DBL_RADIX         2                              Exponent radix
  DBL_ROUNDS        1                              Addition rounding: near
  FLT_DIG           7                              # of decimal digits of
  FLT_EPSILON       1.192092896e-07                Smallest such that
                                                     1.0+FLT_EPSILON !=1.0
  FLT_GUARD         0
  FLT_MANT_DIG      24                             # of bits in mantissa
  FLT_MAX           3.402823466e+38                Max. value
  FLT_MAX_10_EXP    38                             Max. decimal exponent
  FLT_MAX_EXP       128                            Max. binary exponent
  FLT_MIN           1.175494351e-38                Min. positive value
  FLT_MIN_10_EXP    (-37)                          Min. decimal exponent
  FLT_MIN_EXP       (-125)                         Min. binary exponent
  FLT_RADIX         2                              Exponent radix
  FLT_ROUNDS        1                              Addition rounding: near
  LDBL_DIG          19                             # of decimal digits of
  LDBL_EPSILON      5.4210108624275221706e-020     Smallest such that
                                                     1.0+LDBL_EPSILON !=1.0
  LDBL_MANT_DIG     64                             # of bits in mantissa
  LDBL_MAX          1.189731495357231765e+4932L    Max. value
  LDBL_MAX_10_EXP   4932                           Max. decimal exponent
  LDBL_MAX_EXP      16384                          Max. binary exponent
  LDBL_MIN          3.3621031431120935063e-4932L   Min. positive value
  LDBL_MIN_10_EXP   (-4931)                        Min. decimal exponent
  LDBL_MIN_EXP      (-16381)                       Min. binary exponent
  LDBL_RADIX        2                              Exponent radix
  LDBL_ROUNDS       1                              Addition rounding: near