qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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  Variable:  _fileinfo
  Include:   <stdlib.h>
  Syntax:    int _fileinfo;
     The _fileinfo variable determines whether or not a process's open
     file information, in the form of the _C_FILE_INFO entry in the
     environment, will be passed to child processes. If _fileinfo is 0,
     the _C_FILE_INFO information is not passed to the child processes.
     If _fileinfo is not 0, the _C_FILE_INFO information is passed to
     child processes.
     By default, _fileinfo is 0 and thus the _C_FILE_INFO information
     is not passed to child processes. There are two ways to modify
     the default value of _fileinfo:
        ■ Link the supplied object file FILEINFO.OBJ into your program.
          Use the /NOE option to avoid multiple symbol definitions.
        ■ Set the _fileinfo variable to a nonzero value directly
          within your C program.