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  Keyword:  enum
  Syntax:   enum [tag] {enum-list} [declarator];
            enum tag declarator;
  Summary:  Defines an enum type and/or an enum variable.
     If braces are given, the enum keyword declares an enum type
     consisting of a set of named integer constants. A variable of an
     enum type holds one of the values defined by the enum type. Thus,
     an enum variable always has int type. Each item in an <enum-list>
     has the form:
          <identifier> [= <constant-expression>]
     If an item is not initialized, it has the value of the last item
     in the list plus one. If the first item in the list is not
     initialized, it has the value zero.
     If braces are not given, the enum keyword is used to define an
     enum variable having a previously defined enum type. The tag
     identifies the type.
     An enum can also be used to declare constants, which can be used
     by name even if no variable is declared for them, as shown in the
     following example:
          enum DAYS                     // Declare enum type DAYS
             saturday,                  // saturday and sunday have
                                        //   value 0
             sunday = 0,
             monday,                    // monday = 1, tuesday = 2,
                                        //   etc.
          } today;                      // Variable today has type DAYS
          enum DAYS yesterday = monday; // Variable yesterday has type
                                        //   DAYS, value monday
          int tomorrow = wednesday;     // Int variable can have enum
                                        //   constant