qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Bessel Functions
 Description Example                     Up Contents Index Back
  Include:   <math.h>
  Syntax:    double j0( double x );
             double j1( double x );
             double jn( int n, double x );
             double y0( double x );
             double y1( double x );
             double yn( int n, double x );
  Returns:   the result of a Bessel function of <x> if successful.
             (y0, y1, and yn return -HUGE_VAL if <x> is negative.)
             errno: EDOM (set by y0, y1, and yn if <x> is negative)
  See also:  _j0l, _j1l, _jnl, matherr, _y0l, _y1l, _ynl