qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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  Keyword:  sizeof
  Syntax:   sizeof expression
  Summary:  Gives the amount of storage, in bytes, associated with a
            variable or a type (including aggregate types).
     The <expression> is either an identifier or a type-cast expression
     (a type specifier enclosed in parentheses).
     When applied to a structure type or variable, sizeof returns the
     actual size, which may include padding bytes inserted for
     alignment. When applied to an array identifier, sizeof returns the
     size of the entire array. When applied to a string constant or
     variable, sizeof returns the entire size, including the
     terminating zero. For example,
     int  *buf = calloc( 100, sizeof( int ) );  // sizeof( int ) is 2
     char *str = "1234567890"                   // sizeof str is 11
     struct POS                                 // sizeof( struct POS )
     {                                          //   may not be two
        char row;                               //   because of alignment
        char col;
     int  array[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };          // sizeof array is 10
                                                // sizeof array[0] is 2
     int  sizearr =                             // Count of items in array
       sizeof( array) / sizeof( array[0] );