qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
fgetc, fgetchar
 Summary Example                         Up Contents Index Back
     The fgetc function reads a single character from the current
     position of the file associated with <stream>. The character is
     converted and returned as an int. The function then increments the
     associated file pointer (if any) to point to the next character.
     The fgetchar function is equivalent to fgetc( stdin ).
     The fgetc and fgetchar routines are identical to getc and getchar,
     but are functions rather than macros.
     Return Value
     The fgetc and fgetchar functions return the character read. They
     return EOF to indicate an error or end-of-file. However, the EOF
     value is also a legitimate integer value, so feof or ferror should
     be used to distinguish between an error or end-of-file condition.